Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4.9.12 - Week 1....Here we go!

Well, it's time. Daniel and I were going to start last Monday, but with Easter, we figured it would be wise to begin today. All of that chocolate...yum yum yum. :)

Daniel is doing a fruit/veggie fast for 10 days. I was going to do the same, but for those of you that know me, ....ha! I'm lucky to get in a veggie every couple of days. Bad, I know. So, I will be following Weight Watchers.

I lost around 90 pounds on Weight Watchers before Daniel and I were married. The method has changed since I followed it last. I have decided to follow the old points system. I still have the books, and there are websites that calculate the old points. I am using an app on my phone called iWatchr that tracks points, calculates, etc. It's great!

In addition to following Weight Watchers, my goals this week are to faithfully take my vitamins daily and drink more water.

We went shopping and stocked up:

The soup is a vegetable soup made in the blender. It has a roma tomato, yellow pepper, carrots, avacado, cheddar cheese, seasoning, and water. I threw in a handful of baby spinach, which is what gave it the lime green color. So, yes, I did have veggies today. :)
And here goes... 
The dreaded "before" picture.
I guess I shouldn't be embarrassed to post this. This is how people see me every day. 
Starting weight: 190.0
Yikes again.
I'll post an update next Monday.


  1. I tried the new weight watchers after I gave birth to Hayden last year and I really liked it! {Not sure how different is is from the old system?} Weight watchers worked really well for me since I have to eat gluten free and I love that the fruits and veggies are unlimited! Lately I've been not so great at my eating though, so me and the hubbs are excited to be starting a new workout routine Monday together and we'll be starting WW again too! You have way more self confidence than I do to post about your weight loss journey - way to go :)

    1. Hey, thanks! I did WW before I met my husband and had a lot of success. I think it is a very reasonable program that is pretty easy to stick to. In saying that though,....I have had a hard time sticking this week! :/

      I really need to get started exercising again too. My excuse is that I am too busy. ;) That will have to change. I think working in exercise is the harder of the two (diet/exercise). What sort of workouts are you guys planning to do?

      Keep me updated on how things are going!
